,sg darkfuture ,Josie and the Pussycats 1 ,digital gEN X z3 Edition ,d2 rel v11 ,Hfm LCD high contrast skin ,Alpha Conspiracy Player ,SouthernPinwheel ,sub zero
v 2.11
updated 99-11-13
By Soheil Dabestani
ISN stands for the latin words: In Statu Nascendi, which means "in the state of birth" or
"The Moment of liberation". ISN is a school "club" in Teknis, ( a highschool ) in Örebro, Sweden.
It's was created 1904, by some pupils in the school, and has ever since, been the schools no.1 club.
As a member of this clubs board, I dedicate this skin to In Statu nascendi, one of the greatest
reasons, why school is great!
This is the board of ISN 99/00
Redax Tobiaz Forsberg Redaxboss
Josefine Zetterlund Storboss
Martin Karlsson Art Director
Emma Alfredsson Sekreterare
Soheil Dabestani Quli
Cindy Lee Quli
Cortége David Karlsson Cortégeboss
Dan Rosendal Konduktör
Ola Eriksson Sffff
Olof Johansson Eqonomiker
Christina Nilsson Sekreterare/ Kassörska
Reibar Gadan TT
Tomas Strömberg Stins
Martin Augustini Quli
Andreas Eriksson Quli
Fezzt Per Lindström Fezztboss
Sophie Boldt Quli
???? ???????? Quli
Email: info-is@in-file
> (Version 2000)
Winamp 2.x skin
By: Jason Lim aka L|Jai. (info-is@in-file)
Other Skins By L|Jai: digital gEN-X
digital gEN-X II
Titanius v1.0
Prototype GT
Last Time Standing
Last Time Standing (Final Ed ...
Skin name: Diablo II
Release version: Released v1.1
Description: Evil Has Survived! Features Diablo himself (from Blizzard Artwork), the game box
and the Battle.net interface. All parts skinned, including cursors and the WVS, and I
included the necess ...
This skin is a tribute to one of the greatest electronica artists of today in my opinion, The Alpha Conspiracy. I designed it to match his great website design. I tried to keep this skin a bit neutral, so people who don't know or like the Alpha Conspiracy ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Sailor Jupiter AMP - "Last of the Inner Senshi AMPs" v2.0
>>Psymon psaying hello for the fifth, but definitly not final, time. As per freakin usual, the most excellent pics that I used were from http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9847/, whic ...