Card Captor Sakura - Peach Puff (v.4)
by: schezo
created : may 6, 2001
finished 1st version : may 6, 2001
finished 2nd version : may 6, 2001
finished 3rd version : may 8, 2001
finished 4th version : may 10, 2001
I've already made four versions of this skin.
The first version was the original scan (by yours
truly), and it was horrible because it was
yellow!!! all the yellows in the world united
in one skin, we don't want that, do we?
The second version was black and white, it
looked A LOT better than the yellow but it
lacked impact, it lost it's most important part
of it. it's femenine and romantic color (i'm
not female nor gay butI just have that artistic
touch! [ehhhlk!!!] ).
The third version looks like this skin (4th) but it
has no mini browser and avs and it was a
whopping 252kb!!!
You are now using the 4th version. only 136kb
complete with mini browser and avs! Ain't that
cool or what!? ^_^
originality : 100% : any objections!? : 97% : pretty!
usr.frndly : 95% : no comment
color.coordination : 99% : although I hate pink,
and peach, and yellow and all those femenine
colors, I've managed to match everything
without overpowering the reds, pinks and peaches
total : 97.75%
flesh : fee4d3
[rgb: 254.228.211]
rose : ff7d7d
[rgb: 255.125.125]
green : 74a058
[rgb: 116.160.88]
rectangle 9x3
triangle 5 pixels on sides, 6 pix on base
outglo (nrm, rose, o75, b1, i600)
frame white
[u] flesh
[p] rose
In the name of God the impure souls
of the living dead shall be banished
into eternal damnation
Hellsing's Seras Victoria - Vampire Sniper
Made by PsyX
"24k-Gold" v1.0 WinAmp skin
Author: Schott in the Head
Complete with MN, PL, EQ & MB skins
Currently there is no AVI skin.
Look for it when v2.0 is released
If you like clean & simple this is the skin for you.
With all the illaborate ...