Greetings to all of you using this skin!
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This skin is the 4th I've designed but it's based on my first Sony mp2000.Actualy is a remake that I should have done a long time ago... this skin will be available for Wina ...
..My Little Pony 2..
More for the Lainey. I'm getting kinda sick of pink by now. Time to do some more yaoi skins after these things.
Oh well. She'll just owe me big time. ^_^
Had nothing better to do today with the amazing amount of snow t ...
;� 2003 By Bill Donaldson
;Skin name:Tubular
;Version: 1.0
;Date Completed: August 14,2003
;Contact: info-is@in-file
;Programs: Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Photoplus 4.0 by U-lead,all Mbinner text editing and viscolor done by me.
;Skinning tools: Atlas ...
VL!3N professional
This skin was made by moocker
Any sugestions, or something else- mail me at info-is@in-file
PS: You can always find latest versions of my skins on my website ( http://rep ...
Thanks for downloading Guinness Amp my tribute to the finest stout in the world
This is my second WinAmp Skin
Hope you like it
Skin Name: Pint o' Guinness
Author: Mike / LuciferLuthier / FunkyMunky
Email: info-is@in- ...