Macross Plus DW
by Larry Tennison
Well, this is the skin that started it all. This was my first skin.
I've put out so many versions of the skin to keep up with the new
windows for winamp such as pl., mb., and the AVS, that I don't even
remember wich version this is supposed to be anymore. This is why I
simply call it version DW (DW being the initials of my on-line alias).
This isn't onw of the best skins you are going to find, but it is 2 yrs
old, and was my first skin.
The skin is of the cd cover for the soundtrack of "Macross Plus"
New features in this version:
well, if it is availabe for skinning, it is skinned
there is the font for the pl. iclosed in the file
If you have any feedback, questions, or maybe even a skin request
my email is listed below:
33866099 (ICQ#)
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
This is Xqwizit. Why do you call it xqwizit
you might ask...well...because it is. :D ;)
It has all components skinned: main, pledit,
eq, avs, and even the MikroAmp plugin YaY ...
| Anna Kournikova skin v1.0 for WinAmp v2.1 |
| Jerome Gicquel 12/98 info-is@in-file |
This is a skin for WinAmp v2.1 of ...
Bluemetal 2.0
made by: Petepan
e-mail: info-is@in-file
nr. III
this is what happends when you'r bored out and happends to start photoshop....... ...
skin v1.2
Acacia fraternity, founded 1904 in Ann Arbor Michigan.
One of the best fraternities in Greek history turned 100 years old in 2004. The Nebraska Chapter turned 100 on February 14, 2005. This skin goes out to all members of the black and g ...
High-Fidelity is a Stereo Integrated Music Centre, based on the original WinAmp Media Player, from Nullsoft Inc. High-Fidelity consists of three (3) main components: Main, Equalizer and Playlist.
Installatio ...
Aikon Amp 1.3
By Dagon
LCD is Beautiful
Changes in Aikon Amp 1.3 from Previous Versions:
Aikon Amp now has a much more "Squared" look, and the skin itself has smaller boarders. While this may look strange at first, in practice the skin benefit ...
***KalaK Amplifier - Updated for winamp 2.9x***
I finally got around to update this skin to wa2.9 standards.
The skin has changed a bit from the original version (for the better if you ask me)
A few errors have been fixed also.
Enjoy! ;P
ra ...