The Dreaming is a band comprised of Christopher Hall (Stabbing Westward), Johnny Haro (Stabbing Westward, Ecoline Crush, Star 69), Diego Russo (Beautiful Losers, 40 Dogs), Jonathan Dyke (Blue Girl, Snake Oil).
Their ...
wersja 1.0 ************************
* BLACK CAT corp. *
* Skins for Winamp *
* by Małanka Krzysztof *
"Winamp XP"
Historia Wersji:
Winamp XP to całkowicie nowa skórka. Użytkownicy W ...
WinJay Beta 1 Skin created by "DJ PAPPAN" (M-M)
If You want to tell me something about the Skin or
You need help to make a Skin,
send me an E-mail to:
(In the next version will be included the animated cursors)
------------------ ...
Informacion Adicional en el archivo:
Este documento especifica algunas cosas mas:
Una creacion de Guanacolandia por
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Dropshadow2 was skinned in January 2005 by R.D. Jones
The EQ was particularly annoying.
February '05 fixed bug in Video window
Shadowed Playlist, Video & Gen
Added cursors
Tried to pretty up the posbar