Bluemetal 2.0
made by: Petepan
e-mail: info-is@in-file
nr. III
this is what happends when you'r bored out and happends to start photoshop.......
Scared yet?
Horror skin. Contains pictures from the movies Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street
and Jeepers Creepers. Also some other scary pictures that I found. It's not the
best skin around, but I had fun making it. It has some funny elem ...
:::::Colors 4TAH My Surrender:::::
by: c-specter (Christian Schönrank)
official winamp skin for "My Surrender".
the new album: "Colors For The American Home".
cool_blue - made by R0ckb0Y
I spent a lot of time to finish this skin
but I am quite satisfied with this skin
hope U like it
info-is@in-file ...
Skin: BreadBoard
Author: jjpotter
-A .gif of the evolution of this skin is included in the file
-An actual breadboard al ...
Sony Amp V2
by Raymond Robinson (info-is@in-file)
This WinAmp skin is a modification of the SONY MP-FX3 skin,
originally created by Obi McNally (info-is@in-file).
Please visit his h ...
Macross Plus DW
by Larry Tennison
Well, this is the skin that started it all. This was my first skin.
I've put out so many versions of the skin to keep up with the new
windows for win ...