Title: Shuttle Horizons N°5
Version: 1.2
Author: Evil Pumpkin (Lorenzo Marchi)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Completed: 29/07/2002 Mon, 11.51 am
My first faily good skin, made only with ...
- Blue Aadvark-
ver. 1.0
My first attempt at making a winamp skin. Just picked up photoshop last week, and I was thinking there is no better way t ...
Thank you for downloading my Naru Narusegawa skin.
I'd like to thank AnimeBGX for the wonderful image I used for this skin. If they never made the image, than I probably would have never made this skin. I'd also like to thank Ken Akamatsu, the creator ...
PurpleMint POW
Created by Mrs Bladez (July-August 2001)
Email: info-is@in-file
Thank you for downloading this skin. Fully skinned including: MB, MBinner, AVS, Custom Cursors and a MikroAMP Skin. Please do not *rip* this or any skin (display and ...