"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Thanks for downloading my skin. This is my second skin, I hope you like it. All graphics are made by myself except for the clouds :p This is supposed to be some kind of framework from a assault cannon against attacking kamikaze zeppel ...
fISHTANK - The Skin
by Daniel Maasberg (Daniel Maasberg Visionary Webdesign / www.maasberg.de) for
Fishtank interactive in 2001
This skin is exclusively styled for Fishtank interactive. All rights on caracters and logos are
reserved for ...
I just wanted to thank everyone on the Winamp Skins listserv for all their great comments
and suggestions, they all helped to make this a much better skin!
You guys know who you are! *wink* :)
info-is@in-fi ...
///ALPINE CDA-W551mp
Les presento la CUARTA VERSION de la serie
CDA DC-550 de mi máscara para WINAMP, que
incluye un Main Window, un Equalizer, un
PlayList Editor y un MiniBrowser mejorados
con cientos de cambi ...
The Burglar Amp
You are now the possessor of a unique Win Amp Skin made by Hom Burglar
Character Design - Japanese Styled characters - Street Art - Graffiti and more....
http://www.massatto.net or http://Burglar.massatto.net
Contact: find the bu ...
Skin Name: Hitman Contracts 2004
Author: JayEm Manchester, UK
This is the new and improved version of the Hitman Contracts skin for Winamp 2.9 and above.
I've made a lot of changes after reading some of the reviews published by downloaders.
One o ...
STARAUDIO - 4 1/2 years in the making.
Tom Plantan
Believe it or not this was started 4 1/2 years ago. It was to be
the indiglo amp. But work and school, make for about 100+ hours
of occupied time. That does ...