Name of Skin: Clr Flo
Creator: Hover_Boy
Created: January 2nd 2002
Last Updated: January 24th 2002
This skin was made entirely by hand, using absolutely NO skinning programs.
I made this skin using only MS Paint and Note ...
This skin is taken from StarFox® 64 featuring the key charachter, Fox McCloud.
I tried to show most of the picture as well as all of the controls and this was the result.
Colours were chosen to match the starry background s ...
VL!3N amp v1.2
This (excelent :)) skin was made by Moocker
It's my third skin. I made it one rainy (and boring...) afternoon in ms.paint. If you have any questions, mail me (info-is@in-file). If you don't have any questions, mail me too. I want to ...
This isn't the most beautiful skin around but it's functional. I've made it minimilist so as not to obscure the artwork generated for the XBOX demo (as featured in the skin). I hope some folks use it because I'll probably get my ass kicked if it's ever se ...
Lord of Landmines
(c) 2003 Karl Kwasny (monaux)
This skin is the result of trying to combine vida's style with my own. It's basically my take on Energyamp. It must be noted that vida did not have anything to do with ...