Thanks for download!!
This is my first Harry Potter skin.
Harry Potter is my favorite book.
I think its story is very fun and
the movie is very great because the
actor who plays Harry is very cute^^
(Although Malfoy is cute than Harry)
I hope you like my skin because I use
very long long time to make it.
P.S. and sorry for my very poor English ^^'
Released 3 Sept 00 (in my B'days)
* Bandung Indonesia *
I created this skin because i really like that's car
New Beetle is a wonderful car.
I truly hope you enjoy this skin.
author : Iswahyudi "idhuy" Hanafiah
;İ 2003 By Bill Donaldson
;Skin name:Gray_Amp
;Version: 1.0
;Date Completed: July 20th,2003
;Contact: info-is@in-file
;Programs: Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Photoplus 4.0 by U-lead,all playlist text editing and viscolor done by me.
;Skinning tools: Atl ...
Thanks for downloading Cold-Pak. I hope you enjoy it.
This skin supports the new windows in Winamp2.9
To see my other Winamp skins visit my website at:
GAME & WATCH Winamp Skin
All right, I owe these guys more credit:
.HCC. ~Software~ made an extremely good simulator of FIRE, and the majority of the graphics in the skin are from a screenshot of that simulator. If you downloaded this skin, you must be a ...
This is just intended as a template for new skins. It
includes all of the skin features as of WinAMP 2.01.
The cursors included are designed to match Window's
standard set. If you want skin specifications, more
of my real skins, or something else ...