Skin for Winamp
Copyrights (c) 2000 Kauko Mikkonen alias KaMi
Thank you for downloading this skin.
I started making this skin 6-11-2000, version 1.0 ready 11-6-2000...
Because this skin is transparent moving it may be difficult; cli ...
Penny Arcade
You wouldn't get it.
Winamp skin by LuigiHann
All art stolen from the comic by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, except for the kitchen background which was taken from
Penny Arcade (www ...
----Tech_amp2:Last Edition----
Welcome to my readme!
Thanks for downloading my skin.
It's my last skin before
Winamp 3 comes.
It looks much much better
now that I have used
smoother interface.
Hope you like it!
Send e-mails at:
info-is@in-fi ...
Skin name - F-Amp: the Grey version
Skin version - 1.3
Release date - 15 April 2000
File name -
Creator - FJ van Oosterom
E-mail - info-is@in-file
Made in - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ancolie9c, by Th.P., mai-juin 1999
Ancolie9c is another "stupid skin" of my own.
But this one is waterproof.
You can use when it rains, or under the shower, in your bath...
even in waterfalls...
Th.P. = Thierry Pottier
inf ...
April 2001
rp13 blue
Mein dreizehnter WinampSkin
Viel Spaß damit!
Was ich sonst noch mache:
POV-Ray, TakeONE und Sound Club:
speziell TakeONE auf:
Gruß Porrey
eMail: ...
Sony WinAmp Skin by "The Sheich"(Petar B.I.)
Started on Cold Fusion Skin,just ot see where to draw
Using:Fractal Design Painter 5.01(Super Program for Drawing even Design!)
...The Simplicity of the Form is My Goal and I've ...
SilverBullet skin for WinAmp 2.x was created by Bobo. No rippin ok.
Contact me at info-is@in-file with questions and feedback. Also, check out my homepage
Bullit Minibrowser
Skin created by BlueBalls with written permission by the wonderful
people at
Skin is made as a Tribute to, I am not a member.
If you would like to use a portion of this skin for your own skins or whatever...
A ...