t i m e h o s t a g e
u p d a t e d
we do not control time
it controls us
therefore, we are all hostages of time
Getting pretty sick of the quote. Should
have deleted it. And now back to skins.
This is a (0,0,255) version of Time
Hostage. In my opinion, it looks much
better than the original cause blue is
just more aesthetic than olive yellow.
signing off
oddworld is a lovely story, abe is the basic character in this story.
you can get pictures and info from : www.oddworld.com
and olso there is many pc & playstation games from this story.
this is my first winam skin.
Date: 1 April, ...
Handspring Visor Skin (Black) v1.0
To use this skin, place the .wsz file in your winamp skins directory
(default c:Program FilesWinampSkins) and select the skin from the skins
list in your winamp player.
Hello all you winamp fans out there. H ...