iMac version 2.0 (in original teal)
Caveats:First, I am not an iMac zealot, nor even a macintosh lover or an owner (at least not
since 1988 when my old mac classic blew up on me).
Second, I made this skin, and it's sister skins entirely by hand in Photoshop betwixt
classes and watching tv over the last two days or so, so don't be surprised if there is
some extant bugginess as far as seams and alignment goes, although I have spent a good
deal of tiem debugging them already (sorry about anything that I missed).
Third, I really made these skins for myself, purely as a design experiment, but I
thought that I'd be magnanimous for once and, in the pursuit of greater
philanthropic enterprise, post them around the net as thanks to those other
individuals whose skins I have lying around my harddrive.
Fourth, not being an iMac owner, I had nothing but the small jpegs from the website to use for reference in creating these skins, so if they aren't
exacting in every detail, I'm sorry. They were really only created in the vein of the
greater iMac aesthetic, not as an exact replica and not as mac lover propoganda.
Really, the inspiration came only after scouring the,, and all4winamp pages looking for something unique to play around
with visually. Frankly, I was becoming a little bored with the colorless and sterile
chrome, wood, stereo and LCD inspired skins (no offense, I have a number of the
better ones on my machine) as well as the rigidity of the native winamp skin and its
myriad derivations and wanted to diversify the genre of winamp skin design. So,
what better than a design stemming from the fun, nonsensical and lighthearted
design of the iMac.
Fifth, I added all of the fun little toys from the latest winamp release, including
equalizer, playlist and minibrowser skins, windowshade modes etc... (and if you email
me, I can sned you the region.txt file for some requisite transparency, but I really
didn't like the way that it turned out) and I hope that they all meet with your approval.
Sixth, as yet I am really unhappy with the buttons and will attempt to rectify my
personal qualms in the coming weeks. Also, I don't like the discongruous nature of
the "about: Winamp Minibrowser" message box in the minibrowser window (I wish
that it could be altered, and, if it can be altered, and I in my winamp nascence
simply missed this little feature, please enlighten me)
Seventh, I'd love to hear what people think about my first skin, and kudos and
criticisms can be emailed to me, I will try my best to get around to them all.
Paul Thomas Raugust
PS I apologize if I am or have ever in my life been trite, although I have been know to slip
into contrivance from time to time.
Special recogniton to Francesco Stano and his WILDamp which I used as a template to align my
graphics and from whom I borrowed the stereo/mono and List/Equalizer motifs and to Jason
"Sakamoto" Kim and his SketchAmp whom I excerpted part of the viscolor from.
The skin by Omnitarian v1.0
This is the skin made by me. It's bronzy or something.
Done in Paint shop pro, mainly with Inner Bevel Effect. Hazy Backround effect made by flood filling an area with 2 colors on Canvas t ...
I can't help it! I LIKE Yoji! He is such a playboy, I know ! But he is so adorable!
And he has his name printed in his underwear! Hahahah
info-is@in-file ...
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal b ...
Permission Granted!
I'm happy to give permission to Dangeruss (Russell Schwenkler) to use my 'Dervish' design for WindowBlinds and NextStart skins as a basis for his designs for matching application skins.
Tim Dagger
-- essorant --
info-is@in-fi ...
``````````````````````````` Ford - Mondeo ``````````````````````````````
This is my third car skin and it is based on the
Ford Mondeo(as known in SA)...
For this skin I used Photoshop to a greater extent
than all my other skins,but i wanted a subl ...
My second Winamp skin.
Feel the Aqua!.
Harmonious with 'DFX-POSEIDON'skin.
Include 'tmsVU_color' & 'albumlist_skin'
Thank you !
e-mail : info-is@in-file
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