Clean and easy on the eye. Have fun.
- shankar
1 Changed button text
a) Add -> File (instead of Sel)
b) Sub -> Sel (instead of File)
2 Changed selected button color
a) Sub -> Sel - black instead of dark blue
Gohan Amp
by Larry Tennison
I thought that I would finnaly make a skin of "my"
favorite DragonBall Z character. I probably spent the
most time on this one than the rest of them, but I think
that the fina ...
Designed By: Eric Carpenter -- info-is@in-file
Carey Merritt -- info-is@in-file
Touched up by Brad D. Parker -- info-is@in-file
; a really nasty looking example on how to change the colors of
; the dialog boxes in Winamp 1.92+
[Dialog ...
Author notes: After earlier designs this one took more
hours (read days) to complete. It all started with
a small picture from the I-net site of Philips.