AMPOWERS 2.0 (Austin Powers) SKIN for WINAMP
Created by Massimo Maisano info-is@in-file
version 2.0 11/08/2000
I didn't want to complete the work, but I had to, 'cause a stupid guy published on MY skin with HIS name (James Hastings, you're a jerk!).
So here's you the new version, with Eq_ex file, Mini Browser, and Easter egg. File size is smaller than previous version too.
Come visit my site
where you'll find another skin, dedicated to the italian band Bluvertigo.
Many thanks to Luigino and his site
full of wonderful italian skins!
Austin Powers tm
Back To The Heavyweight Jam - Ver 1.00
Author: Rene Saare
Date finished: January 4, 1999;
Description: It's the cover of Scooter's 6-th album "Back To The Heavyweight Jam".
Notice: Please if you ...
1001 Winampskins Amp is a Skin for Winamp 2.x
Version 2.0
designed by Matthias Rasim
--------------------- ...
Amidala Maroon amp v2.0
Natalie Portman as Queen amidala in her maroon handmaiden outfit.
"I am Queen Amidala, this is my decoy, my protection, my loyal bodyguard."
-Queen Amidala, Star Wars episode I: The Phantom Menace-
A long time ago in a ga ...
I have no connection to the people who own and make the Homestar cartoons and website. The characters and situations depicted in this skin, as well as virtually all of the original graphics, were crea ...
Wai wai! Pretty Ashura! This skin is also a bit crowded, but the CLAMP
artwork is still very cool! I tend to use this skin with that winamp
plugin that makes the background of the viscolor display transparent.
http ...
july 11, 2002
xbox masteramp winamp skin release 1.0
my third skin, took me about 40 hours to do this one. I'm a huge xbox fan, and I'll most likely make a few xbobx game-based skins, (ie halo), in the near future.
My fiance' gave up alot of hou ...