Yuko Amp
Created by: Dubkatz
Email : info-is@in-file
Homepage : http://www.geocities.com/dubkatz008/index.html
-None, this is the first public release.
*About the skins*
The girl on this skin is name Yuko Asahina. Yuko is
Just to prove I can still make game skins better than anyone else :p
Even if this isn't my best work, it's good practice.
-LuigiHann(at hotmail dot com)
For old-school side-scrolling action, arrange the windows horizontally, a la Main-EQ-Playlist-o ...
*psssshk* *snap*
Any similarity between this skin and any real skin, alive or dead, is solely the product of the viewer's imagination and should be immediate cause for said viewer to consume massive ammounts of alcoholic beverages.
*beeeeeeeeeeeeeo ...