Graaf - Skin For WinAmp 2.x
Well here ya go.
Remember to place the WinAmp windows in this order:
| |
| Playlist |
| |
| Main |
| |
| Equalizer |
-Minibrowser and other 2.2x stuff
-decent readme.txt
Blah-blah Stuff
If you don't now how to use this skin, call your mom.
Don't copy the skin-stuff etc.
Don't use this skin for illegal purposes.
Don't put your cat to the microwave.
Don't eat this.
Give this skin to your friends.
Go home.
Copyright (c) 1999 Sibbe
info-is@in-file (always under construction)
***** DESPERADO ****
A Winamp skin - inspired by the movie Desperado
--> Version 1.0
--> This skin was made by Miara (info-is@in-file)
This is my first try to make a complete winamp skin.
enjoy it ...
Readme Amp X-Treme v1.2
Hi and welcome to the readme file of this skin.
This skin is created for the latest version of WInamp, meaning that it has an Equalizer, Playlis ...
Hover 1.0
Creator - Jesta
Release Date - 6/3/01
Keep an eye out, many updates
coming... Including different color
schemes. Check out
It's the greatest site ever!
-Jesta ...
Chevelle - Winamp 5 classic Skin [unofficial]- by Encore (info-is@in-file)
Made for the band, by a fan, inspired by the music.
All graphics were drawn by me with photoshop 6.0 (except, of course, the photos of the band which I got in Yahoo LAUNCH webs ...
Skin by XPC Design Studio
XPC Design Studio занимается
разработкой и размещением
сайтов, регистрацией доменых
имен, изготовлением flash
анимацией и банеров,
програмированием на всех
языках. ...