Sailor Uranus AMP 1.0
OK, in Neptune AMP I complained I couldn't remember which order the planets are in. But I'm so close to finished, I no longer care. In about a week, they'll all be finished. Then what? Maybe some of the other characters, group shots maybe? Or perhaps another good series, Ranma 1/2? Who knows. I think a Prozzäk AMP would be cool, too... OK, I'll shut up now and remind you that all the Sailor Moon pics in these AMPs came from Go there now. Now stop reading this goddam thing and listen to some freakin' music already!
UPDATE (Feb26, 2000 [12:26]): This is the first of my skins to have the AVS skinned, and when Pluto AMP is done I'm gonna make v2's of all my previously finished skins.
Start: February 26, 2000 (00:56)
Done: February 26, 2000 (13:26)
___________ "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
- Fan of: - Art is knowing which ones to keep." -Scott Adams
| Sailor Moon | "Hey look! It's not my fault; it's some guy named
| Ranma 1/2 | 'General Protection'!" -Ratbert
{-| Beasties |-} "I wasn't driven insane; it was a short putt" -Psymon
| Pokémon | "Remains of love are all I know, like battle scars
| Dragon Ball | that never go." -Simon (Prozzäk)
-___________- Now Listening to: Hot Lava by Perry Farrel & D.V.D.A.
Siggy v1.10
T e r r o r i s m
a c t i v a t e D
Author: Debabrata Trivedi
mail: info-is@in-file
Wanna have a tutorial of making ...
Final Fantasy 8 -Liberi Fatali- V1.3
skin for winamp 2.2 +
by Andrea Bonsignori
Official Chronoita skin.
| x | x | x | x | ...
Mac8Amp v1.1
by: Bradley Walter (Beebarb)
Skin type: Winamp Classic (2.x)
Colours: 16 (4bit)
Special Requirement: Charcoal Font (Included in WSZ, use WinZip to extract)
Copyrightİ 2004, Bradley Walter
You may NOT copy this skin, except for backu ...
Star Trek Panels
This is my first skin for v2.x WinAmp. Feel free to modify the skin if you wish. If you decide to distribute it please reference my work and send me a copy to info-is@in-file.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
LogAmp1.2 for 2.9x
Fixed some details.
Added mikroamp.
LogAmp1.1 for 2.9x
Fixed some details.
LogAmp1.0 for 2.9x
Do not use any stuff of this skin without permission.
Do not use commercial purpos ...