- The name of the skin: Star Trek based Audio LCARS
- Release version of the skin: 3.00
- A short description of the skin: Star Trek based LCARS for MP3 Players
- The category that best fits your skin: TV & Movie Genre
- Designer: Thom Puckett
- Email address: info-is@in-file
- Home Page: http://members.aol.com/tcpiii/tcpiii.html
Dil-Amp v1.1
Dilbert and Friends
More of my skins can be found on my web page at:
Hope you enjoy using this as I did creating it!
Daniel Au
6/27/99: added Browser customization ...
FEUER&EIS 2.9 Edition
2003 by chrismale - time2wonder.com
Deleted the animated cursors for reasons of compatibility.
Well, finally updated and extended the skin, so it fits for the needs of winamp 2.9 and,
maybe, ...
11/08/05 SonixMedia v2.0 For Winamp 5 Classic Skins.
Updated ....thanks....
04/09/02 SonixMedia v1.0 For Winamp 2x.
As usual....
If you like it..send me email..so i know that my hard but fun work is making someone happy out there, that all i ask fo ...
-- W i b o m V3.0 [Silver]--
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
By Mark Wibom (info-is@in-file)
Well, my skin is back better
than ever.
I made alot of changes since v2.0, it looks
nothing like the other versions.
1. Transparent eff ...
Winamp 2.x skin
By: Stephan Hoekstra aka AmpBurner (info-is@in-file)
Other skins by Ampburner:Smirnoff Vodka Power Amp 2000
Bacardi V1.0
The Idea of Snipeamp came from playing Unreal Tournament. One day I
woke up and thought ...
* DJ Cowboy Digital Audio System *
Thank you for downloading and installing this skin.
http://www.mp3.com/DJCowboy - MP3.com page
http://twohorse.homestead.com/twohorse.html - Two Horse Web Page
http://www.ang ...
Thank You for downloading Meowo's Pikachu 1.0
This Skin is made for non-profitable purposes and may be distributed freely as long as none of the files are changed.
Meowo's Animepage
http://www.geocities.com/meowo_anime ...