NamasteDown ---- for Winamp 2.x ---- By JimmyJames
Version 1.0
Thank you for downloading my skin! Feel free to email
me with suggestions.
I wanted to make a bright skin with some color and an
interesting background texture.
email - info-is@in-file
website - coming soon....
(c)2000 JimmyJames
[ Cronic v1.1 ]
Released on MG-03
Following things are skinned:
... Main Control Amp
... Equilizer
... Playlist
... Minibrowser
... Advanced Visual Studio (AVS)
... Winamp Library (for v2.90)
... Video (for v2.90 ...
Down Poison
Chobits - Chii
by Kyrddis
26 January 2003
It's Chi from clamps Chobits. She is so beautiful and always looks so innocent. I need four days for the skin... that was hard work, but now everything fits in and I'm more or less satisfied. Onl ...
This skin, SquareAmpv1.1, made by The Emerald Dragon. It is a WinAmp skin based on Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana, and is a 'game' category skin.
I took advantage of the different bitmaps for active/inactive windows, so watch for details...for i ...
AQUARIUS WinAmp skin > by adi327
Winamp 2.9x version
For instalation :
1) move this .ZIP file to your winampskins folder
(usually C:Program FilesWinampSkins)
2) with Winzip, or another unzip software,
you can execute "MB Changer.exe" ...