"Look-a-Lot-Alike-alated" ver 3.1
Dedicated (as is everything) to Raluca.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For best looks, deselect 'Use
bitmap font' in Preferences/Options/Display in
Winamp. And while you're there, deselect 'Use
Winamp-styled cursors' too.
This is the final release. Only bugs will be corrected
from now on, if they exist. Still, you may try this
for newer versions:
Changes from 3.0:
-Almost all buttons are sharper (you might not like
this, keep 3.0, it's perfectly fine).
-Bug fixed in MiniBrowser title bar.
-Some buttons looked like Windows 3.1. Now they
look like Windows ME (as they should).
In case you've been baffled by the title, it comes
from a 'Johnny Bravo' cartoon episode where an evil
genius creates the "Look-a-Lot-Aliker Gun" to make
everybody look a lot alike him (and he was ugly).
But I actually like this skin.
This skin was created entirely by Mihai Basa.
No parts of it may be reproduced without written
consent from yourself or anyone controlling your
mind / actions, (as appropiate).
Mac amp purple v0.1 (Public Alpha Release)
Creator : Tim Hobbs (Hobbson)
Date Started : Febuary
Date Of Current Version : 25 July 2000
Bug Reports : info-is@in-file
Known Bugs In This Version :
Skin name: Lime Green Player
Date: 05.06.2003
Author: Caroline Johansson
Email: info-is@in-file
I made this skin for winamp 2.9x and features
* main
* equalizer
* playlist
* video
* minibrowser
* library
* avs ...
"ARDAN Hi-Tech FM" skin for Winamp
Released March 30th 2001
*Bandung - Indonesia*
Thank's for using and download my skin,
feel free to distribute these skin on your website,
or to sent them to your friends !
ARDAN 105.8 Hi-Tech FM is most popul ...
`````````````````````` Titanium_Maximis 1.0 ```````````````````````
This skin contains skins for 5 additional
pulggins! The main thing that many skins lack
is multiple skin support, so thus this skin was
This skin was designed from drawni ...