Golden Jeri Ryan
(c) Neil Harvey 2000
My First, and so far!, best Winamp Skin, based on the beautiful
Jeri Ryan of Star Trek fame
Version History
Upgraded to WA2.9 specification.
So I lied :), back once again, decided to give the main window a makeover,
grad filled the background with a nice warm orange, also changed the MB and
AVS windows to reflect these changes, filled all text boxes in with the
standard off grey colour, fixed the vis background. That really is it,
every part of this skin is not edited, what a ride from 5 months ago, Still
my fave skin of all.
Ok, back once again with this skin, cleaned up all the openers and closers,
fixed a few tiny bug, changed the auto/on/pre buttons, really think that
jeri is now fixed :)
Added new text.bmp, fixed the MikroAMP.
18/08/00, Ok, OK, this is the final release version !
Changed minibroswer buttons to match rest of design,
"golded up" the titles, thats it Jeri is put to bed, yeah i wish ;-)
16/08/00 Final release version
Cosmetic changes to the main image, button update, winshade mode
cleaned up, added additional skin for the VIDAMP plugin, tweaked openers
and closers. This readme.txt added as well.
10/08/00 Skin published on cover CD rom of My PC21 in Japan
Whooo hooo fame at last!
28/07/00 Version 2 published on
Five stars *****
25/07/00 Changed the background of the image, play buttons more solid,
re-skinned MB+AVS
23/07/00 Version 1 published on
Four stars ****
11/07/00 Work started on skin.
"Resistance is futile"
****Spawn v 1.0****
Hey my adoring fans xotrex is b...ack
and i have brought to you a creation
If you heard about The Cyrac, i must tell
you that the Cyrac has been spawned into
The ...
- Hello Kitty v1_0
- I originally made this Hello Kitty skin for my girlfriend. She loved it, so I thought I would share it with the rest of the world.
Authored by:
- Christopher Marsh
- info-is@in-file
- ...
Aug 6, 1999
Rally Vincent is so cool! Gunsmith cats is a fun anime and manga
series! Hmm the yellow in this skin turned out a bit bright I think,
but I still kinda like it ^^ Enjoy!
Emi ...
MF Amp v 1.0____________________________
by : Muhammad Fajar______________________
This is my third skin. I Design this skin for you who like to unhide all Winamp window.
You can arrange the winamp window position like this ;
- main window in norma ...
Final Fantasy VII
First time finished:07/01/2003
Second time finished:14/01/2004
Thanks to you who have downloaded this skin.
If you've got any suggestions how to improve my
skins, or new ideas for what I could put on Winamp, please send me a ...