"24k-Gold" v1.0 WinAmp skin
Author: Schott in the Head
Complete with MN, PL, EQ & MB skins
Currently there is no AVI skin.
Look for it when v2.0 is released
If you like clean & simple this is the skin for you.
With all the illaborate skins out there this will end up on your desk top more than you think, because its so easy to use & soft on the eyes.
When your tired of logos & advertisement put "24k-Gold" up
& turn on your favorite music & enjoy.
To see other skins Authored by: Schott in the Head
please go to:
or contact Schott in the Head at:
skin for Winamp 2.x
December 2002
Copyrghts Coy2K a.k.a Coyote
MB and AVS NOT skinned.
If you want them to be just let me know
You can contact me via e-mail
Visit my page at coyote.deviantart.com
D ...
DMX AMP - skinned by brothaman2000
My 1st skin of DMX, this is for all the DMX fans ARF!ARF!ARF!
Name: X Amp
Release Version: v1.0 (1st release in GREENtrancetheme)
File format: BMP
Windows 98 skin for Winamp v. 1,4
Author: Misiek N.
Date: 24.IX.2000
Where: Swidwin (Poland)
Hi. Thanks for downloading the third version of Windows 98- amp skin. I wanted this skin to look like the integral part of Windows 98.
Jade was the daughter of the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, and twin sister to Obsidian. Her powers were natural because of her parents, she never required a Green Lantern ring. Her father introduced her to Kyle Rayner, the current Green Lanter ...
Skin: DuckHunt 2.9
Author: jjpotter
-Support for Winamp 2.9
-Ducks and a dawg
Winamp has no warden, so shoot at whatever you like.
Just be careful with that shotgun. ...
TemplateMonster.com skin by StillWater
www.TemplateMonster.com offers the best website templates on the net. The range is huge, and the templates are of a high quality, and affordable.
(C) Copyright 2004 StillWater.
StillWater contact: info- ...
////////////////// colony skin for WinAMP 2.9x \\
.: Dedicated to all true #colony members - so this is for you! :.
/// Version: 1.0 (just a number - my first skin e ...