:: Author: Joe W. Garrett ::
:: Skin: Devour - Greedmonkey ::
:: Date: 03-July-01 ::
Special Thanks and Recoginition
Winamp Skin Love Forum
1. The Only Lynx
2. Ampburner
3. Cyana
4. Mr. Jones
5. Skinme!
6. Greedmonkey
1. Skinme! (For the mikro cap on his post)
Skin Done in 3 Weeks
All parts Skinned.
A special Thanks:
To the band Greedmonkey with whom this skin is dedicated to.
It is an honour and a privelage that they have allowed me to develop
for them skin, site and more.
Thank you guys...
Joe W. Garrett
aka GaretJax
MSN: info-is@in-file
ICQ: 5093815
antex by shottie aka kal36387
do not rip do not rip, all components copyrighted to me. mail
me for permission if you need to use it. info-is@in-file
report any major bugs to info-is@in-file thank you. ...
Luinil v1.0
by Verónica Mogni
June 2004
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spanish version below.
Versión castellana más abajo.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Skinned AVS for old Winamp.
Skinned MikroAmp.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Skinned cursors.
DO ...
If you use it, send me your participation to do others skins. Thank you.
Il vous plait? envouyez moi une participation pour travailler sur d'autre skins. Meri.
Skin pour Winamp 2.91
version Française
3 aout 200 ...