-- Harappa Skin ---
by TazThemes
This skin is based on the website Harappa.com, a media spigot to South Asia's past.
Once visited I decided to use the site's graphics
for a WinAmp skin. I was brought to this by the e-india skin.
The skin is c ...
Dear Winamp user:
Thank you for Downloading BoeingAmp 2.0!
This is an new version of my first skin. Thank you for downloading it!
It is designed to look like the inside of the cockpit of a Boeing aircraft.
All the dials and nobs are authentic.
Dhoom 2 ( D:2 )
by Swapnil Acharya
Released 4th August 2006
Email: info-is@in-file
Do not change or distribute this winamp skin without authors permission. If you wish to have this winamp skin for download at your website then contact author fo ...