März 2001
rp10 brown
Mein zehnter WinampSkin
Viel Spaß damit!
Was ich sonst noch mache:
POV-Ray, TakeONE und Sound Club:
speziell TakeONE auf:
Gruß Porrey
eMail: info-is@in-file
Sailor Jupiter AMP - "Last of the Inner Senshi AMPs" v2.0
>>Psymon psaying hello for the fifth, but definitly not final, time. As per freakin usual, the most excellent pics that I used were from http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9847/, whic ...
BALAJI Web-Designs: WinAMP Skin
BWD MediaTower - V2
This is the official skin of BALAJI Web-Designs.
Version History (Changes):-
V2.1 Player stands remodelled. (soon)
V2 Everything is new. Completely new design.
Balance slider changed t ...
name: Micha Klein
By : Tim Bakker (Salvatore)
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 36602778
This winamp is based on a Dutch grafical Atrtist
called Micha Klein. I've seen his work several
times and it was about time somone made a skin
of his work. So I d ...
Sound Player v1.0
By James Ness
Hey! This is Nessy with my 11th commercially done skin!!
I hope you like it, I think it looks ace, it's based on the Windows Sound Recorder but it d ...
Sailor Neptune AMP 2.0
>>Dammit, I can't remember if it goes Neptune-Uranus or Uranus-Neptune, but who the hell cares? They'll both get finished eventually. http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9847/ supplied the pictures, as usual. An excelle ...
FlameAmp Version 2.0 - Adam DeVore
A revisit to my first skin with some new
backup. The only thing brought from the
original FlameAmp is the background. The
rest of the design was taken from one of
my m ...