Hello there!!!
This is my second skin of Forte (Bass), and it has cursors of Forte and Treble, it really took me a lot of work to make this skin, so, I wish you enjoy it.
Note: Forte (cursors) aim's with the hand or the cannon, and Treble withe the nose.
If you have any comment, or you wanna see another of mi skins, contact me at:
C O N N E C T - X
C O N N E C T - X
The new simplistic skin from skinme!
If you want to talk to me about this skin
you should find me in the SHARE YOUR SKIN
LOVE forum at Winamp:
Author: John McCord, III
Email: info-is@in-file
Web Page: http://members.8op.com/jpmccord/
Released: May 9, 1999
Information: For use with Winamp 2.x
About the Name: Dark Side of the Moon, 1973 album by the band
Pink Floyd. If you haven't heard o ...
"AltairAwake[al19full]" ByAltair
When chaos conquers everything,
there is only one chance
to reach happy future;
awakening of order,
[as promised]
complete skin with all windo ...
thermophobiac version 2
Tell me what you think of this or other skins of mine, and download more at:
or e-mail me at:
info-is@in-file ...
I'm new at this. Thought I'd try to make a patriotic skin for my family in Greece. I skinned everything needed. I prefer no equilizer, it clutters the graphics too much. I rarely use the others: AVS, Minibrowser, Library and Video. Hope ...