(yet another Tori Amos Winamp skin)
(and my best Tori skin so far)
skin creator: Nini
contact: info-is@in-file
or: http://de.geocities.com/katranousch
version: 1.11. (Remix of Tori Amos Amp) -SE for 1001waskins-
Please familiarize yourself with winamp before using this skin. The buttons are quite abstract. ;-) (I warned U ;-))
font use in playlist is Times New Roman, so you probably might want to increase the font size, you can do that in the preferences/display menu.
Background image is believed to be in the "public domain". If you are the owner of this image and wish for it not to be used in this way, please e-mail me and I will remove the skin. Thank you.
Many thanx to: :-)
the guys at the skin luv forum, especially Mr Jones and The Only Lynx, for telling me about the font bug :-) but also to Iverssson, Lucid DM, Simon Snowflake
Special thanx to: DonDon & CyMymy ;-) LOL
This skin feautures all winamp windows and supports the MikroAmp plugin.
If you like this skin, found any bugs or just have a comment or question, drop me a line! :-)
last but not least: Enjoy! :-)
just a note:the skin looks better on a black background ;-)
check www.thedent.com for info on Tori Amos
July/Aug. 2001
[ A F T E R S H O C K ]
[ F L Y E R - 2 0 0 0 ]
······· Ver 1.0 ·······
Created by FlyEr (A.K.A. WarpFlyght). All rights are reserved. No one
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Playlist Font:
Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.
Change font size to 9 in Options, Preferences, Playlist, Playlist Editor Appearance, Playlist Font Size.
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DATe: 12/28/2000
thanx for downloading my winamp skin. this is my third skin and i hope you people
like it. ive worked very hard on it so dont be stealing my skin.
feel free to comment on my skin
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e ...
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