Red Monika Amp deja vu created by evildAve 10-99
#3 in the red monika/battle chasers series
character created by joe maduerira and is borrowed in homage, and is not intended as a rip off tactic.
to use this skin: place the .zip file into your winamp/skins dir, press alt-s to bring up the skin browser, select "RedMonikaDV", and enjoy.
this skin is a redo of my RedMonikaGalleryEdition Skin i made a good while back, cause i thought the first version blew.
please send feedback to:
Lord of Landmines
(c) 2003 Karl Kwasny (monaux)
This skin is the result of trying to combine vida's style with my own. It's basically my take on Energyamp. It must be noted that vida did not have anything to do with ...
WoodieAMP Ver 1.0 by Ralph Pool
Category : Cool Skin
This is a wooden skin, with rolling volume, balance and equalizer controls, or at least that was the idea
email: info-is@in-file ...
runes greenish-grey ver1.0.0
hy! I'm epsilon, some kid from Romania with nothing to
do this summer that's why I decided to make this skin.
I used mostly Macromedia Fireworks 3.0 (tm) and MS Pain(t)
This is only my second skin to be released to the ...