Spriggan (Yu Ominae) Ver. 1.2
By Isamu Dison (William Z)
February 2, 2001
Version 1.0
June 2, 2000
Version 1.1
June 28, 2000
Version 1.2 (Hopefully the last)
February 2, 2001
Skin Info
Time used for creation: 32 hours
Programs used: MS-Paint, and Photo Shop 5.5
Back ground pic is copy righted to WWW.Sprigganthemovie.Com
*Update!!! Ver. 1.1
-Further customization of the skin.
-Personallized some more buttons.
*Update!!! Ver. 1.2
-Small makeover of the main skin.
-Changed volume button.
-Changed shuffle and repeat buttons.
-Fixed balance button bug. Now completely transparent!
-The buttons are easier to see, but the repeat button was left blured.
-Complete change to the playlist skin
-Changed background picture.
-Fixed stretching bug, NO more big black hole when stretchout skin.
-Complete change to the mini-browser
-Changed background picture.
-Fixed some problems with the buttons.
-Skinned the AVS
-TRIED to add icons, BUT too much of a hassle! Sorry.
This skin is dedicated to all the staff who made the movie Spriggan
posible. Moreover for my second shot for the 5 star rating at Winamp.Com,
which my first was unable to achive. The skin is also to act as a preview
of the anime. The Spriggan in the pic is named Yu Ominae, the best of all
the Spriggans in the world. If you want to know more about the file go to:
www.Sprigganthemovie.com, for reivew and discription.
If you have any opinion about the skin feel free to e-mail me at:
February 2, 2001
The Spriggan movie is due this month on DVD, both in Sub and Dub versions.
If you like Sci-fi films then you should get a copy of this great anime
ASAP because this film will be like nothing you have ever seen before.
Thank you for downloading my work!
HermesAMP v1.0
HermesAMP v1.0 @ 08.08.2002
>This is the HermesAMP. Based
in the Jamaican Futurama Character,
Bureaucrat Hermes Conrad. This
is an all green skin (like his suit),
and images of Hermes all around.
Put the ...
hardcoregamer amp finish release by... hardcoregamer
this skin was made to work with winamp 2.x (I think)
and optimised for winamp 2.66 the version i got
finished the 12/3/2000 23:10
thank you for using this skin (or simply browse it ?)
there i ...
"special set"
skin for WinAMP 2.9x
version 1.00
--> skin made by
I)estym / sergey danushin
summer-autumn 2003
--> the skin is designed for WinAMP 2.91. It should work properly with other 2x versions, up to WinAMP 2.95
--> features
1. skinne ...
=/= Outpost 10F Winamp Skin Version 1.4 =/=
How to use this skin:
First remember in which directory you've put the .zip file,
or where you've unzipped it in. Then start Winamp and hit Alt-S,
then choose the "O10F1_4" skin and press close. If i ...
:: ECLiPSE AMP 1.2 ::
UPDATED - JUNE 03: fixed errors, on pos-bar and eq-window, that only occured when using 100% screen brightness. Changed ID3-tag I to i (simulates windowtitle text). Fixed the library to display album, title and artist!
EC ...