'The Crow' - a WinAMP-skin
by Gustav Ladén - info-is@in-file -
- 2000-12-08 -
This is my first skin for WinAMP (whee..)
It's based on the movie-version of 'The Crow'.
If you haven't seen this movie yet, I strongly
recommend you do (but beware of the sequels..)
[c] Gustav Ladén 2000 (skin-tjyvar och annat
löst folk göra sig icke besväret..)
**[ Denuclos {Gold/Brass} by -| FrezoreR |- ]**
!!! Look out for colormods on the page written below !!!
Skinned: Main, EQ, PL, Winshades, Gen-files, MB and Video
Contact: info-is@in-file
To download update or other skins made by me visit:
Thank you for Downloading LuXoR Amp 3.0!
This is actually a vastly refurbished version of
my previous egyptian skin that quite frankly, was
butt-ugly now that I look back at it ;-)
+ Authentic Egyptian Designs- All hieroglyphs
are int ...
Aureus Winamp Skin v1.0
20 June, 2000
Regener8ed @ Bellsouth.net
My second skin. I wanted to create a completely unique and integrated skin that best suits my own personal tastes. (Something I'd use on a daily basis that's not obtrusive on the scr ...
for Winamp 2x,3x,5x
Created By : Thiru
Contact : info-is@in-file
This is my sixth skin.This skin is the 2nd version of Illusion.I'm looking forward to create smackdown skin next.I've skinned the basic windows,hope you like the skin.
This is an alternate frontend for nullsoft's winamp.
(visit http://www.nullsoft.com and http://www.winamp.com for more info).
Unzip all files to the /winamp/skins/ directory. Then choose Options,
Select skin from the pulldown menu.
--------------- ...
FLUFFY AMP for winamp 2x
My very first skin!!!
not so bad to be the first....
Spent about three weeks workin' at night... when my university classes finished.
I hope you like FluffyAmp... any suggestions or comme ...
Author : DeSire
E-mail : info-is@in-file
Description : This yellow skin has a great interface, all the
buttons are highly customized and it looks great.
Version : Final ...
-*** Silence ***-
-October, 2000
-- Skin was born in Adobe Photoshop 5.5
-- Cursors were born in Axialis Ax-Cursors 4.5
-- I finally finished what used to be 'Em142' but
later became my favorite skin, so I renamed it after
myself: 'The S ...