BY Jasoninie
Thanks 4 downloading this skin!
Its just my little contribution to the beauty that is the XBOX (and the games).
Do yourself a favor. Go out there and buy the XBOX. you wont regret it!
TO use the option web ...
< Deus Ex Amp >
Copyright 2002 by Crocodile Dumbdee [Andrew ('AJ') Ashton]
Original Release: March 11, 2002
Created for: Winamp 2.x
Version: 1.0.1
Last Update: March 28, 2002
1) Copyright Notice
2) Origi ...
This is a hybrid of Transparamp, some other amp skins, and a lot of
original artwork. Thanks to those who made the originals.
[Dialog Colors]
; background of the dialog box
; text of stuff in the dialog box
dialog_colo ...
- P_J's Font v 1.0-
The font included in this skin is named P_J's Font, and is created
entirely by me and was designed purely to make the song names in
the playlist easier to read.
To make this font work just move the "P_J.ttf" ...
_.: Art Amp v1.0 :._
author : Vilobh Shinde (Vilde)
I have a fairly good hand at art, so tried my hand on my first Winamp Skin.
Hope you'll like although it has lots of rough edges.
I appreciate your comments, good or bad.
Mail : info-is@in-fil ...
Esta skin fue creada para:
**Mónica Rodriguez S**
Con todo el afecto que nace
de mi alma, esperando que sea de
tu agrado mi amor
Eres la mujer más Bella del mundo.
A WinAMP Skin by
Khamura - info-is@in-file
This one's for you, hide... wherever you are.
Hello all you happy people! ^_^
With the revamp of my first two hide skins finished, I had so many ideas ...