````````````````````````````` Pioneer 3.0 ``````````````````````````````
Here it is the most refined and best looking
version yet! Version 2 was a hit but it lacked
the MikroAmp and refinement...
After creating "Pioneer-VS-ClassicAmp Remix" I
set out refining v2, and came up with v3. It
may look alot like v2, but the overall look is
much better...
Sorry! still no skin for DFX...
```````````````````````````` Skin Contents `````````````````````````````
* Main Control Amp
* Equilizer
* Playlist
* Minibrowser
* Advanced Visual Studio (AVS)
* MikroAmp skin
* Cursors
````````````````````````````` Skin Presets `````````````````````````````
For best viewing results use these presets:
1. Set Visualization to Spectrum Analyzer, refresh
rate @ 70 fps, Normal Style, Peaks ON and Thick
2. Viewed best at 800x600 and with True color.
`````````````````````````````` Skin Info ```````````````````````````````
1. This skin was designed using MS Paint & Adobe
Photoshop 5.
2. No skinning tools were used in designing this
3. This took 2 days to complete
4. This skin contains parts from other skins made
by myself.
Skin no.16
`````````````````````````````` Contact Me ``````````````````````````````
If you have questions or comments here are
my E-mail addresses:
If you like this skin and want to download
my other skins goto:
Durban,South Africa
````````````````````````````` Wobbles 2002 `````````````````````````````
Skin Name = Series 3
Skin Verison = 3 Version of Slick Series
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett (aka "Garet Jax")
Author Email = info-is@in-file
Special Features:
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Win ...
Skin Information
Name: Tip
Version: 1.3
Description: Based on Finger Eleven's album cover for Tip.
Completed: August 5th, 2001 (Updated the Readme.txt file)
Note: This skin includes a fil ...
Gabiamp v1.73 - 15/12/1999
Gabiamp it's a 2.2x Winamp skin, based on Aaron Miller's Ionamp. If you have
suggests, requests, bugs, etc., write me to info-is@in-file. Feel free to publish
this skin on a website, magazine, cd-rom, etc. Just don't modi ...
Feiticeira Winamp Skin by Tatu
Tatu proudly presents the most wanted skin of brazilian guys :)
More them a 1.000.000 playboy issues selled !
(Brazilian record)
Visit my site for more Hi-Q ...
Skin by XPC Design Studio
XPC Design Studio занимается
разработкой и размещением
сайтов, регистрацией доменых
имен, изготовлением flash
анимацией и банеров,
програмированием на всех
языках. ...
The Crow Amp - Version 1.3
Designed by Paul S
email -> info-is@in-file
Updated August 19, 1999
Pic added to load list button
Cursor pointers changed
Overall color is darker
"Equalizer" added to equalizer window
Color highlights a ...