by: schezo
started : may 13, 2001 (motha's day)
version1 : may 14, 2001 (national elections, yukk!)
version1.2 : may 16, 2001
toc : approx 3.5 hrs, whoa! that's fast!
First of all, I like the color blue! Especially dark blue,
and that's why I'm inspried to make this skin.
Secondly, I LOVE the title. "Strike A Pose!" HAHAHA!
I realized that the picture is tooo... serene, "OK!",
I said, I'll make 'em laugh by putting up this title.
And there it is. STRIKE A POSE EVERYONE! ^_^
added cursors
originality : 95% : of course! the only thing copied here
is the "text" file.
quality : 95% : ya!
usage : 95% : arsml? that's add, remove, sort, misc, list
ovrall.apprnce : 97% : fab!
total : 95.5%
white : ffffff
(rgb: 255.255.255)
sky : 90c7e8
(rgb: 144.199.232)
blu : 3974bb
(rgb: 57.116.187)
ff: Black Chancery
Fc: white
sz: 15
dthr: strong
color : sky
sz : 2 pixels
fx : outerglow (sky, screen, o75, b1, i600)
szs: 25, 17, 7
color : wyt
sz: 17
fx : outerglow (sky, norm, o75, b1, i300)
color : ..
sz : ..
fx : outerglow (blu, ..,)
sz : 7
Mavro II. Dark, yet not gloomy. Sliders that actually tell you something, some subtle transparent areas, plenty of dots and ready for Easter. I updated and polished the graphics for a better (more glas-like) feel and fixed a few small errors.
Mavro, Gr ...
Name: PRAGMAMP v1.2 by GoldenSpider
Typ: Classical Winamp skin
Author: Bék Gerzson, Hungary
My target was creating a skin what is
ˇ very simple
ˇ practical (pragmatical)
ˇ uses big contrast for good visibility
ˇ blackguard
ˇ classic ...
This skin is based on an image of Vincent, by Nomura Tetsuya.
As a help, I have used the Skinner Atlas, Winamp region.txt generator and Vis Toolkit.
//TheSlof ...
Sound Player v1.0
By James Ness
Hey! This is Nessy with my 11th commercially done skin!!
I hope you like it, I think it looks ace, it's based on the Windows Sound Recorder but it d ...