They r F**ken awesome cymbals..
This Skin started as one i Downloaded from the site
........But it was Crap...
Well It Wasn't that bad, It wasn't finished thats all
It only had the skin for the main screen..
So i finished it, I added a skin for the Playlist, Mini Browser,
one for the Eq and one for the minimised Eq
which for some reason not many skins actually have.
I Tried to Complete with the same theme as the original,
+ a few improvements and a few bugs taken out.
I hope the original creator is Pleased,
If he isn't...........F**k Him!!
{Created By Mr Fail}
Winamp Ithaki skin, version 3, the Dark RMX.
People with dark desktops found the original Ithaki3 colours far too bright, so
here's a dark version. Apart from the darker colour scheme it's identical to the
normal Ithaki3 skin. All windows and shades ...
--[ EPSILON ]--
Winamp Skin by Magnolia Arte y Diseño
About this skin
The Skin from Epsilon Eridani shows the traces of many light-years of navigation.
Do you ...
SCUAIR mo - WA 2.91 skin - by bunji
SCUAIR mo is my attempt on the metal-skin franchise. Hope you dig it! I put about 40 hours of work into this little baby.
Created with inspration from 883(883design.tk) and with help from Joe ...
:::::Western Decay:::::
by: c-specter (Christian Schönrank)
'Western Decay' is a part of the #3 pack 'Araneae' by the artgroup Artex.
skin finished: 08.29.02
Lara Croft WinAmp Skin v1.0
Lara Croft Winamp skin (version 1.0) created by Yeo.
This is my first attempt at creating a Winamp skin and I must admit
it took me a LOT of my time, but it's fun!
Any comments(good or bad ...