version: 1.0
by: Geci (Gec Production(c)), 2002
location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Date of production: 30. March 2002
e-mail: info-is@in-file
This is the second edition of
my old skin Ares!
All windows are skined, including
avs & micro + animated cursors!!!
Mail me for Amarok and Vidamp skins!
This skin is dedicated to my
girlfriend "Kay", thanx for
Your support!!! I love You!
Special greetings to all the members
of 1001winampskins,
deviantart and skinbase!!!
Expect more and better soon...
Stay Cool...
16-BitAmp For Winamp 5x (I think)
By John Kreitlow (aka J2krei08) and RADIUM-V
V2 Completion Date: 8/24/2005
Version Two is here! I fixed some problems from the first version, and made it more true to DOS, with the fonts and all. I still couldn't ...
Light Ambitions v1.06:
Skin born In Jasc PaintShop Pro 7.04 on the 5th of July 2003, 1:25 PM
This skin took me a lot of work to design and complete, I almost messed up on some parts on the skin and screwed the ...
It' smy 2nd metalic skin. Main image was rendered using Bryce 4, and rest of it was made in ms.paint. Any sugestions, or something like this- mail me at info-is@in-file- PLEASE!
info-is@in-file ...
*Shades of Grey*
Skin finished by Miriya on 25th June 2003
This skin DOES NOT require plugin's...but I have written the txt file for the sexyfont plugin...although the skin does look mildly better with sexyfont and maron plugin ^^
Not sure whether the ...
wersja 1.0 ************************
* BLACK CAT corp. *
* Skins for Winamp *
* by Małanka Krzysztof *
"Winamp XP"
Historia Wersji:
Winamp XP to całkowicie nowa skórka. Użytkownicy W ...