version 1.0
Thanks for downloading my skin!
It took me a week to finish
this baby so don't rip it
or any parts of it!
I'd like to thank my bro
Luke who's opinions
has helped me in doing it!
I also would like like to thank
Eminem's music which has inspired
me in making this skin.
Thanks also goes to those
shitty skinners who don't know
how to make skins (a few days ago
I saw poor skin which name I won't
tell,and that skin has been given
5 stars,after I saw that,I thougt
:Oh my God todays skinners do
shitty job).
Now to the skin:
I put very contrasting yellow
screen to give feeling that the
matrix of the skin is a
nuclear power plant.
If you have any comments send them
=========== FruityLoop 3 =============
Autor: Anel Sánchez V.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Terminado: 1 de diciembre de 2003
FruityLoop: es un programa para crear ...
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Titanium_stereo_amp V2.01 (13-08-2001)
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QuickTime X skin for WINAMP 2.x
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if you have any comments or suggestions, contact me : info-is@in-f ...