MF Amp v 1.0____________________________
by : Muhammad Fajar______________________
This is my third skin. I Design this skin for you who like to unhide all Winamp window.
You can arrange the winamp window position like this ;
- main window in normal size in the top, equalizer window in window shade mode in the middle, playlist window in full window in the bottom.
- use analyzer style don't use the osciloscope
What do you think? If you like it, use it, if not, just give it to your friend and it's your right to make a new skin with mine as a model. OK?
Don't forget to email me!
MF - I En Tid Som Vår v2.00 (17 June 1999) skin for WINAMP 2.xx
1. unzip into WinampSkins directory
2. Press Alt-S (or Options -> Skin Browser from the menu)
3. Sel ...
Version 1.0
By flatmatt
Well, there's not really that much to say about this one. The inspiration for this skin was a combination of guilt for not skinning enough, a need to experiment with warm colors (something that has been rathe ...
*****Viper Amp ******
Made by : Perry Berglund
... Säffle...
If you like this skin........
make sure to check out my other skin on ...
SteamAmp v2.0.
I made this cause I like the way the program STEAM looks.
I thought it might be fun to have it as a Winamp skin. Voila.
-Fixed Playlist exploit
-Fixed button exploits
-Fixed Video window where the fileinfo ran off ...