Skin Name = Series 3
Skin Verison = 3 Version of Slick Series
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett (aka "Garet Jax")
Author Email = info-is@in-file
Special Features:
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp Equalizer - Skinned
Winamp Playlist - Skinned
Winamp Minibrowser - Skinned
Winamp MiniEQ - Skinned
Winamp Mini PL - Skinned
Winamp AVS - Skinned
To use a Skin Developed By Garet Jax Follow the Instructions Below:
Note. If your using a version prior to 2.X you may not be able to see the full Skin package.
Step I. Extracting the Skin
1. If version greater than 2.x (No Need to extract just place the zip in your skins Directory)
2. You will need winzip or an equivalent software package to install the skin if prior to Winamp is version 1.X.
3. Extract the Skin to a directory on Computer. Preferred is as follows:
a. C:Program FilesWinampSkins {If default was used to install winamp)
b. or Another Directory.
i. If another directory is used you will have to point the skin browser to use an alternate skin directory location.
ii. To do this Press Alt+S and Click the button "Set Skins Directory".
c. Proceed to Step II.
Step II. Using the Skin
1. Open Winamp
2. Press Alt+S
3. Select the Skin you wish to use.
License / Registration:
1. You may use and do whatever the hell you like to my skin.
2. If you change or modify it please just drop me a line through E-Mail.
3. I would greatly appreciate it if you include the new skin that you made.
4. You can order a Skin developed for you or your company for a or Mountain Dew, or If you prefer send me the buck and 1/2 to pay for one myself.
This Development in its entirety was made by me...and Using some ideas I have seen (not Copied from) I have made some possible similarities in
my skin as some other skins that you can download.
If you like this you will like: SNIPE, DX.
For the Individuals that I may have inadvertantly used a similar part in my version: I thank you, very much.
Again the Idea not the File was used. So, please understand I didn't take from ya...Unless you have a patent on the
thought, then Excuse me...For I am very sorry...and at your request I will moon someone...And you can forget about asking
about the need for a Mountain Dew.
Thank You,
Joe W. Garrett
Garet Jax
Winamp Skin Developer
Web Developer / Java & DHTML
~~~~~~~~ MP3 MOBILE 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~
My tenth skin, and my first for 2002!
This skin was inspired by all those portable
MP3 palyers...
Didn't use too many colors, so that it looked
more realistic.This skin also uses tranparentcy
~~~ ...
Everyday is Halloween:
minimalism has a new pacifist
Aim: outofkeySlightly
This skin, admittedly, borrows
heavily from Daily Blue by The
Real Tox. If you like this, first
rethink your position, than check
out Daily Blue.
STARAUDIO.v29 - 4 7/12 years in the making.
Believe it or not this was started 4 1/2 years ago. It was to be the
indiglo amp. But time was hard to find. I just needed a round TU-IT.
At the time no indiglo coloring was done, and possibly only the ...
---------------------MarinAmp Grey v1.5---------------------
-----------------------by josé marín------------------------
This is for people who doesn't like the yellow version of
MarinAm ...
This skin contains 2 versions of EQMAIN.BMP. The default doesn't support equalizer. If you need it open the skin with winzip and rename the "EQMAN.BMP" file into someother and name the "EQMAIN - with EQ.BMP" to "EQMAIN.BMP".
Send your comments to info-i ...