"Stellcrap" por José Cores.
Alguna sugerencia o comentario:
Gracias a mi familia que me banca asi como soy y a todos los que mandan sus comentarios y sugerencias, que gracias a ustedes, esto no seria posible :].
Y un gran agradecimiento a Dios. Gracias a Él existe todo, la luz, el color, la complicada ingenieria de todos los principios visuales de estética, entre otros, viteh?
Programas utilizados: > Paint 5.1
> paint shop pro
> y aguante la tecla "Impr Pant Petsis"!!
Julio 22, 2005.
.........M1 Skin........
That`s is full version ...
M1 - That`s the best music
chanel in Ukraine.
-->version 1.2
-->for WinAmp 2.xx versions
-->It`s including:
->Main window
->Equlizer window
->Playlist window
->Tw ...
Thank you for downloading my latest and final skin.
Yep,this is my final production.After 5 months of dedicated skinning,one must stand back and ask if it was all worth it.
I would have to say yes and no.
Skinning has brought much success to me in ...
GarfieldAmp v2.1
The world's most popular and favorite cat graces your screen
with his trademark smirk. GarfieldAmp has Garfield mugging
with his best bud, Pookie. Don't forget his favorite food dish
zooming across the table top as well! Now Winam ...
By LuigiHann
This skin was inspired by the anime Trigun. All of the graphics were done from scratch in Photoshop. I was trying ta make a skin that recognisably resembles and alludes to the anime, ...
INFLATABLE by blackdog
This is skin was made with JASC'S PAINTSHOP PRO 7 and ALIEN SKIN
SOFTWEAR'S EYE CANDY. It features fully skinned main, eq, pl, mb, and avs windows and
custom animated cursors.
Useless info:
this is my third skin. its called ...
read me text
Hi-Fi Integration a winamp 2.9/2.x skin
by amp-phibian (Anthony Pettie)
well my creation has been reborn for winamp2.9
best when viewing winamp in a tower position locked to one side of your monitor or the other
and draggi ...
This is the 0.1 version ...