The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker (amp) I believe the first for this game!
13 July 2005
Official art used from the game booklet, the website, and screenshots (which were,
I might add, a pain in the butt)
Photoshop 6.0 used as well as AWicons Pro for the super cursors...
SPECIAL NOTE: To shuffle/unshuffle, simply press Tetra's bandana thing (green=shuffle
red=straight through)
To eject, click Grandma's face and her eyes will open up
To access the misc tools in the PL, click the fishman's head
TO select a preset in the EQ, click the pictobox!
There are other little animations too, if you look carefully when
using winamp!!
I hope anyone who's played the game can see all of the little elements I've included,
and that I've tried to capture the brightness and cleanness of the game's art.
Any requests for future Zelda skins would be much appreciated and can be posted on
the reviews page for this skin.
any suggestions or concerns can be reported to me:
Ryan Ferland
Since I'm on summer break, much better things will come!
Made by Geoff Lee '04
If you think Williams College rocks or you thinks Amherst sucks, or if like any responsible citizen you think both, this skin is for you.
-Our sublimely kicka ...
GarfieldAmp v2.1
The world's most popular and favorite cat graces your screen
with his trademark smirk. GarfieldAmp has Garfield mugging
with his best bud, Pookie. Don't forget his favorite food dish
zooming across the table top as well! Now Winam ...
May 2003
published by Peacemaker (c) 2003
Necromech, my latest skin for Breed release #22.
Inspired by the artwork of H.R. Giger.
(A matching wallpaper is downloadable from his website:
This skin is designed for Wi ...
For Denzil and Bill:
Who had enough faith and trust in me
to give me the 'keys to the kingdom'
Even though I haven't been there for
quite a while.... I want to thank all the regulars
in the Share Your Skin Love forum at ...