This is my first real skin for winamp 2
I just tried to see if I can make a skin to personalize my winamp, I will submit the skin,
and if you like it you can take it, if you don't, just throw it to the recycle bin ! ! ! ! !
I finished this skin in almost 2 weeks and I thank all of my friends for supporting me and
because I couldn't go with them in bars. Thank you winamp for existing because from the year
2000 I used it. I'm from Romania, Ploiesti and I am 16 years old and I study arhitecture.
Thanx again nullsoft !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mocanu Victor-Felix
finished on 18 decembre 2004
All rights reserved to Mocanu Victor-Felix Romania
=========== FruityLoop 3 =============
Autor: Anel Sánchez V.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Terminado: 1 de diciembre de 2003
FruityLoop: es un programa para crear ...
=>Windows Xp Styled Skin from GSA info-is@in-file
-> info-is@in-file
for more skins visit:
-> www.gsa.fatal.ru
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
This is Xqwizit. Why do you call it xqwizit
you might ask...well...because it is. :D ;)
It has all components skinned: main, pledit,
eq, avs, and even the MikroAmp plugin YaY ...
.::Matra III::.
Created by T K (THK and T-K)
Hi folks, I'm THK and this is my fifth Skin. This is a continuation of my Matra Series, too bad ...
Version 1.0
By flatmatt
Well, there's not really that much to say about this one. The inspiration for this skin was a combination of guilt for not skinning enough, a need to experiment with warm colors (something that has been rathe ...