Blue 3051 was created by Rik Schennink.
Program used was Adobe Photoshop 5.0.
And Bryce 3D.
Written below is everything that has been fixed since
the first release v1.00.
MiniBrowser now available to.
Made some grey lines dissapear.
Made some other grey lines (only visible on verry bright screens)
Fixed EQ the plus and minus 20 where switched.
Made the missing button on the playlist
Made new easteregg if you haven't seen it you should
check it out now.
Now I have included EQ windowshade mode. for people
who have it enabled all the time. You shall not be able
to access the EQ windowshade mode with my skin you'll have
to use another one for it.
I hope you like this skin as much as I do.
Any comments can be mailed to : info-is@in-file.
Copyright 1999 by Rik Schennink, you must ask my permission
if you want to distribute this skin.
> p o o r a - c h a n n o s k i n <
author: piLaF-kun
version: 1.1
release date: 3/13/2ooo
>> c o m m e n t s
made with ms "pain" and paint shop pro 6.
this is my second finished skin for winamp,
i started it after having ...
Ladybird on Blue Jeans
updated for Winamp 2.91
Jaroslav Karban
Included skin jk_ladybird.bmp
for DSP plugin Enhancer 0.17
(my tip for you, it is free
and very good for slow PC)
--------- ...
*****Viper Amp ******
Made by : Perry Berglund
... Säffle...
If you like this skin........
make sure to check out my other skin on www.win ...
This Skin is Made By Mathijs Bertens
Da Solid Style - 14/07/2002
I have mad this skin specialy for Solid Solution,
because it are great artist and the make good music.
When i was o ...
---------------------Spiderman 1.8---------------------
I have now updated the playlist editor
I hope you like the changes 6:11 PM 8/13/2005
This skin can only be published on sites with my
permission and must give full recognition to Me!
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