Slipknot skin for Winamp
Nov 13, 2000:
i finally decided to upload this skin to (after almost four months of deliberation)... the main window is a bit too much on the contrasty side.
(ps try to find all 9 members... all of them are on t ...
78C was skinned in February 2005 by R.D. Jones
This is second, and presumably last, in the 78 series.
Thanks to Maxim for the Region.txt generator, which I used on both
78 skins (I forgot to mention it in the first) and to Jellby for Skinners Atla ...
_______------( CakrAmp )-------________
Made in Indonesia
by Setyo Ari Cahyono
Inspired by Riddick Movie, i have an idea to create this skin. Very hardcore orange metal.
I work with Adobe Photoshop 7.0
CakrAmp adapted ...
RedHotChiliamp skin ver1.2mb
update: 20 July 2000
created by ardnac akar
email : info-is@in-file
url :
come to my patriotx's page!!!
You know who ...
Obrigado por baixar este skin espero que goste.
Este skin e baseado nos aparelhos de som com estilo retro feitos com madeira sem nada de estravagante.
Eu procurei fazer um skin facil de usar e agradável para os olhos
Fiz o Stero One em uma semana com p ...