Pixelated Maddness v1.0
This skin covers the Main Player, The Playlist, The Equalizer, The Video, The General Windows, (Media Library, etc) all windowshades and MikroAmp
firstly thank you for downloading my skin and I hope that you enjoy it.
I have made this skin as part of a small competition on the WA forums, But have really enjoyed making it and may make future versions of this skin! if you find any bugs please let me know!
Riksruin (info-is@in-file)
www.alternative styles.co.uk
If you have any comments on this skin or any other skin from my
site then please E-mail Me using the address above.
Night Dash
"Car Dials/Buttons/Stereo by Night" Skin by EJ
Playlist Font:
Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.
Change font size to 9 in Options, Preferences, Playlist, Playlist Editor Appearance, Playlist Font Size.
[Also you can ...
Hi People !
== Adidas Amp =====
My Favourite Shoe Co. The best I Saw all the Adidas Skins available
and they all look the same so here's a new one for all u Adidas Fans !
My name is Comel ...It too ...
SHARP DIGITAL V1.0 by Mustafa Calisir
Built 8 June 2001
Thanx for downloading this file.
Email: info-is@in-file
My first skin...
Sharp co. Adobe Photoshop & Nulsoft or everyone...
Copyright (c) by 2001 Mustacal
Is ...