Jeri Ryan in the Pink.
(C) 2001/2002/2003 Jones/Cappy/Capt Jones
Somewhere on the web is a calming slippery pink skin called BathTile
and a sizzling cheesecake skin called Jeri Ryan Back To The Wall.
Bathtile is here:
Jeri Ryan Back to the wall is here:
March 2003 Upgraded skin to WA2.9 spec.
Like peanut butter and chocolate, combining the two skins was deemed unatural.
But the steam bath that resulted has proven invigorating and relaxing.
We blame this entire skin on Duk, Freelance Graphic Artist, despite his
lack of actual work.
If you have comments or questions, you can reach him by visiting or email info-is@in-file
Mr Jones - info-is@in-file
Cappy - info-is@in-file
Love Hina copyright Bandai / Ken Akamatsu / TV Tokyo
Winamp skin created by Luigi Hann using screen captures from the Love Hina DVDs, Adobe Photoshop, and Skinner's Atlas by Jellby.
Email me at info-is@in-file
Love ...
*** readme.txt for KASHMIRamp ***
Developed by: PHG
This skin is made from the cover of the Danish band
KASHMIR's CD "The Good Life".
The pictures used are from the CD-cover. Seem familiar?
It's building plans for The Sydney Operah ...
BABANAMP - by E.C. Brummel
version 1.1 - 31-08-2001
Thanks for downloading and trying my second Winamp skin.
The full skin is created in Adobe Photoshop 6.0.
Version 1.1 (02-09-2001):
* EQ, Playlist, Minibrowser and AVS added.
Version 1.0 ...
-- an update to v2.5 --
+ Designed by:
cRaCkhEaD (c)2000
+ Design Notes:
released 1.28.00
based on the AmpFlux Blue Ampskin + All previous versions of AmpFlux SE
created for Win ...
By Andrew Mackowski
Hi! Thanks for downloading this skin. It is very functional and I think it looks great. Just a note, this skin does not mean that I endorse the program SubSeven (Sub7), I just like the GUI.
This ...