***KalaK Amplifier - Updated for winamp 2.9x***
I finally got around to update this skin to wa2.9 standards.
The skin has changed a bit from the original version (for the better if you ask me)
A few errors have been fixed also.
Enjoy! ;P
ra ...
Sony CD/MP3 Player DVP-57350 Blue LCD
By Sayon/James Ness
Changes to Version 1.0 by Sayon
I just made a blue LCD Display which looks much cooler.
Visit my Homepage: Sayon. ...
***ODD AMP 1.5***
To gear up for the imminent release of Munch's Oddysee, I decided to work on a new version of my Odd Amp skin for Win Amp. The new version is absolutely packed with detail and is taking a long time to finish, so ...
:: LCD3 ::
[winamp skin]
made in October of 2005
Bs As :: Argentina
This is not my first skin but its the first time im happy with the results. I hope you enjoy using it as much as i enjoyed making it. Only the most common and mo ...