При подготовке скина использован дизайн и материалы сайта www.mielofon.ru
По умолчанию выбраны курсоры скина "Audiere" Бена Митчелла (info-is@in-file)
В папке "adds" хранится второй вариант курсоров и файл скина медиа-библиотеки
Автор скина: А. Фролов (agf), info-is@in-file
(c) апрель, 2005
The design and materials of a site www.mielofon.ru is used by preparation of skin
Default cursors is "Audiere" by Ben Mitchell (info-is@in-file)
The second variant of cursors and media-library skin is stored in a folder "adds"
Skin author: A. Frolov (agf), info-is@in-file
(c) April, 2005
Sailor Pluto AMP 1.0 - Last of the Senshi AMPs
*SNiff*, it's almost over. I'm at the last Senshi. But I have an upgrade for the previous ones (Mercury to Neptune) that will let the AVS be skinned. And I have a few more ideas... Anyhoo, http://www.geociti ...
* * * R E A D M E * * *
_________________________ ____ __ _
B L U E W E S T v 2.01
* about the skin and the tools.
* other skins.
* why Iґve made a minibrowser html.
and how to use it.
- ...
-============== CitySkin 1.x ==============-
Winamp Classic skin for Winamp v5.x
Skinned using Winamp v2.9 Files.
Skinned using just Photoshop. Sure it's nothing special, but it's fu ...
JeeSound Versiуn 1.0
Por Jairo alexander Ceballos R.
Colombia Febrero 2002
Espero les guste este
skin, es el primero que
realizo. Si alguien desea
algun tema en especial
no duden en escribirme.
______ ...
Aureus Winamp Skin v1.0
20 June, 2000
Regener8ed @ Bellsouth.net
My second skin. I wanted to create a completely unique and integrated skin that best suits my own personal tastes. (Something I'd use on a daily basis that's not obtrusive on the scr ...