BlackAmp 7.5
By: Chucky
Skin Made: 08/11/2005
Version: 7.5
Revision: 3
Note: This is best viewed when in DoubleSize mode.
Version History:
7.5 (Released 08/11/2005)
- Volume and Balance Edit (Those multiple colors were starting to look ugly)
- Skinned the Video Box
- Skinned the Gen & Gen_ex files
- Hopefully this will be the last release!
7.39 (Released 05/30/2004)
- Some minor cosmetic changes
7.2 (Released 12/11/2003)
- Edited numbers in EQ to corrospond with Winamp 2.9 +
- Edited Playlist editor so Analyzer would look better
7 (Released 02/17/2003)
- Grayish coloring, to sort-of make a stereo look
- The buttons are easy to find and use
6.0 (Released 03/04/2001)
- Complete makeover!
- New look, new attitude?
- Not much to say...just play around with it.. :)
5.0 (Released 01/20/2001)
- Changed EQ Numbers (again)
- Redid the volume control in the main panel (pretty much changed the color)
- The skin itself looks more digital like you could say...
- The Playlist almost got a complete makeover
- Overall, just some minor fixes and modifications
4.0 (Released 09/17/2000)
-Skinned the AVS
-Bigger Text in the Equalizer
-Blue Position Bar
-fixed the Minibrowser
-Changed the Playlist Font and Colors
-Center Bar in EQ to mark the 0 dB position
-A lot of Bug fixes
-I could go on & on if I felt like it...
3.0 (Released 08/23/2000)
-nice digital display text and and numbers
-I can't do crap
-This version will only support Winamp 2.65 and higher
2.3 (Released 08/16/2000)
-Button Area Added
-Pointer on Volume and Balance Control
2.2 (Released 08/15/2000)
- Bigger Text so you can read it better in regular mode
- Made a new titlebar to read BlackAmp!
2.0 (Released 08/02/2000)
- Analyzer has more "smooth" colors
- Added "question mark" in main screen so you can view options
- Number design Change
1.0 (Released 07/05/2000)
- The Original
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
For Fenerbahce Turkey's best football team.
Version history:
V 1.03 Change on the buttons 04/27/2001
V 1.02 Lots of changes
(borders, buttons, volume bar, text...) 04/17/2001
V 1.01 A change on the main skin. 10/01/2000
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Date 4 6 2002
This skin is still being made, it has been downloaded from the winamp forums
Fully skined including the minibrowser and avs
Enclosed you will find a webpage winampmb.htm replace the default one in c:/Program ...