BlackAmp 7.5
By: Chucky
Skin Made: 08/11/2005
Version: 7.5
Revision: 3
Note: This is best viewed when in DoubleSize mode.
Version History:
7.5 (Released 08/11/2005)
- Volume and Balance Edit (Those multiple colors were starting to look ugly)
- Skinned the Video Box
- Skinned the Gen & Gen_ex files
- Hopefully this will be the last release!
7.39 (Released 05/30/2004)
- Some minor cosmetic changes
7.2 (Released 12/11/2003)
- Edited numbers in EQ to corrospond with Winamp 2.9 +
- Edited Playlist editor so Analyzer would look better
7 (Released 02/17/2003)
- Grayish coloring, to sort-of make a stereo look
- The buttons are easy to find and use
6.0 (Released 03/04/2001)
- Complete makeover!
- New look, new attitude?
- Not much to say...just play around with it.. :)
5.0 (Released 01/20/2001)
- Changed EQ Numbers (again)
- Redid the volume control in the main panel (pretty much changed the color)
- The skin itself looks more digital like you could say...
- The Playlist almost got a complete makeover
- Overall, just some minor fixes and modifications
4.0 (Released 09/17/2000)
-Skinned the AVS
-Bigger Text in the Equalizer
-Blue Position Bar
-fixed the Minibrowser
-Changed the Playlist Font and Colors
-Center Bar in EQ to mark the 0 dB position
-A lot of Bug fixes
-I could go on & on if I felt like it...
3.0 (Released 08/23/2000)
-nice digital display text and and numbers
-I can't do crap
-This version will only support Winamp 2.65 and higher
2.3 (Released 08/16/2000)
-Button Area Added
-Pointer on Volume and Balance Control
2.2 (Released 08/15/2000)
- Bigger Text so you can read it better in regular mode
- Made a new titlebar to read BlackAmp!
2.0 (Released 08/02/2000)
- Analyzer has more "smooth" colors
- Added "question mark" in main screen so you can view options
- Number design Change
1.0 (Released 07/05/2000)
- The Original
Yuko Amp
Created by: Dubkatz
Email : info-is@in-file
Homepage :
-None, this is the first public release.
*About the skins*
The girl on this skin is name Yuko Asahina. Yuko is
Space Invaders Amp
This skin for every "Space Invaders" mania.
Thank you for the people in the skin love forum who gave me suggestions.
Version1.3 Jan 18 / 2004
Changed Mikroamp.
Changed some details of library.
Changed Pnormal.cur.
Versio ...
K-Aus 038 Amp Build 2 (9/24/05)
Created by Kyllian
Work in progress so stfu
Second version of K-Aus 037
If you think this is pretty good work, remember this, about 90% of this skin I figured out on my own, no asking for help, no tutorials, no sk ...
Technics ST1976 - A WinAmp "Skin" Interface.
version 2
Version notes:
New avs window
Designer's notes:
The interface is based on my personal Technics stereo with backlit panels.
Display notes:
The only ...
Thanks for downloading my skin!
I hope you like the layout. If
you are useing MikroAmp, I have
included my matching skin for
it also. This skin represents
some three months of work for
me, soplease don't rip it. I
know it may not be the best ...
I couldn't find a decent Dark Angel skin in the winamp database, so I thought I coud make one myself.
Looks better than I expected ;-).
As usual, many thanks go to the members of the Skin Love forum, you guys are the best!(lol):
Skinme, Atmo, C ...