---=== Goth Amp ===---
by Zlatko Kreso
This is my first released skin that I have actually done any airbrushing on.
I'm not a goth, neither do I intend to become one, but you gotta admit, they have got an eye-catching style. A style that I have ...
***| || * Bio-S * || |***
FrezoreR and Breedart presents:
Winamp classic skin Bio-S.
¤ Creator: FrezoreR
¤ Skinning time: Several hours
¤ Special thanks to all you guys who helped and inspired me on this skin.
¤ Easteregg hidden in the .wsz file
Title: Nemu
Feature: Nemu (Bleach)
Author: Kiyoi
Version: 1.6
Date: Wednesday March 22, 2006
Just plain old Microsoft Paint and a dash of Ulead Photo Express
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